Deepening Our Contemplative Lives

In its unique quiet way, contemplative practice is working its way more deeply into the life of the parish and the community.

With parishioners hosting from Bound Brook Presbyterian Church (BBPC), St. Joseph members join in prayer at a weekly meditation session at Bound Brook Cemetery called “Silence Seekers.”  In turn, BBPC members are regulars at our Monday evening Lectio Divina.  Altogether, our morning and evening Lectio Divina draw an average of about 20 people each week.

A group of 10 parishioners is confirmed for a mid-March Trappist retreat at Holy Cross Abbey in Berryville, VA.  This group of men and women will experience silence and monastic rhythm at the heart of our Catholic contemplative tradition.

Expect more “Monastic Mondays” at various times during the year, when the church doors open before dawn and the daily schedule mirrors that of a monastery, for those who are looking to find some stillness for either a few minutes or several hours.

The Contemplative Elders project will take on a more regular, monthly pace in 2023, covering a series of topics that are spiritually vital for this time of life.  We are in early discussions with Mepkin Abbey for an Eastertime Contemplative Elder retreat at the Trappist abbey in South Carolina for spring 2024.

If you’re interested in any of our offerings, learn more about what we do and why we do it here



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