Contemplative Corner

Here’s what’s new and upcoming in our contemplative programming at the parish:

LITURGY OF THE HOURS GETS A BOOST — To attract more people to either personal or communal experiences of the Liturgy of the Hours, we are establishing the following:

– each Tuesday evening of the week, we will pray Vespers (Evening Prayer) now either at 6:50pm or embedded within the 7pm Eucharist.  After a period of time, we’ll see what people prefer.  Similarly, on Friday mornings, we will likewise alternate Lauds (Morning Prayer) either right before the 8:30am Mass or within it.

By October 1, we’ll reach a decision and make that our protocol going forward. Morning Masses Mon-Thurs along with Saturday are unaffected by this, and likewise for the evening Masses on Wednesday-Thursday-Friday.

The liturgical books for the Liturgy of the Hours are available for either purchase or free one-time use in the sacristy.

PREPARING FOR BERRYVILLE –– Another group of parishioners is ready to make the 3.5 hour drive to the Trappist monastery of the Holy Cross for a weekend retreat in the Cistercian tradition Sept. 29-Oct. 1.  This will be our third parish retreat in the Berryville, VA monastery in the last 22 months.

Meanwhile, planning continues for our Contemplative Elders retreat in April-May 2024.  There are still 3 slots open for those who wish to participate in the weeklong event.

DREAMWORK BEGINS IN THE CONTEMPLATIVE ELDERS —  Starting August 29, and continuing as long as we have «dreamers,» our contemplative elders group will explore the impactful spiritual dreams of fellow members and, through contemplative method, share the dream among each other and at the same time expand it.

TAKING THE CONTEMPLATIVE MESSAGE ON THE ROAD, BUT NOT FAR: Our pastor will present a talk on Contemplative Practice at the Mt. St. Mary House of Prayer on Tuesday, October 3, from 7-8:30pm. Information here:

CONTEMPLATIVE NONVIOLENT PRAYER AND PRACTICE 1st Tuesday of the Month Beginning October 3rd 7-8:30pm at the House of Prayer and on Zoom Today the words «Contemplative Living» are popular, but what do these words mean? This monthly series explores in depth ways to nurture our prayer life and how to live the abundant, holistic life that Jesus has promised us. $20-$30 as you are able INTRODUCTION TO CONTEMPLATION AND CONTEMPLATIVE LIVING

Presenter: Msgr. Joseph Kerrigan Msgr. Kerrigan is the Pastor of the Catholic Community of St. Joseph in Bound Brook.

ST. SHARBEL MASS FOR HEALING CONTINUES IN POPULARITY — We had another healthy congregation in August for the monthly St. Sharbel Healing Mass.  Our next one is scheduled for Friday, September 22 at 7pm, which also falls in the Season of Creation, so prayers for the healing of Mother Nature will be included in the bilingual Mass.

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