All new registrations must submit a copy of each child(ren)’s Baptism Certificate (if applicable) and First Communion Certificate (if applicable). Certificates may be e-mailed to
Registration Fee
St. Joseph’s registration fee is $125 per family. Three options of payment are available. Please include your child(ren)’s name in a note / memo with your payment.
No family will be refused faith formation due to financial difficulty. Please reach out to our office if you have financial difficulty.
Debit / Credit Card
Click here to make a payment with PayPal or with a debit / credit card.
Personal Check
Make checks payable to St. Joseph Church and mail to P.O. Box 72 Bound Brook, NJ 08805
Cash payments should be dropped off in person at our Main Church, Tuesdays from 6:30 – 8:30 PM.