St. Joseph Catholic Community relies exclusively on the donations of parishioners for its financial survival. The global pandemic and ensuing economic crisis have triggered dramatic challenges for many parishioners and the parish itself. Already hobbled by multiple years of six-figure deficits, the parish has an urgent need to correct the downward spiral and move toward financial stability.

Parish leadership has cut expenses and is developing a plan to maximize the use of our facilities, which, if approved by the Diocese of Metuchen, could stabilize our finances considerably. Still, our greatest hope lies with continued parishioner generosity. In this section, we have two options for parish support:

parish giving

Regular Giving

Give Now

One-Time Gift

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We realize discussion about money is awkward, but in these times it is essential. Please read this article, “What Your Pastor Won’t Tell You About Parish Giving” for more of a reality check about the wider arena of parish needs and parishioner contributions.

Thanks to all who have contributed to the operations and mission of St. Joseph Parish over the years, and especially during these turbulent times.