Parish Year of Eucharistic Revival

At St. Joseph, we opened the parish phase of the US Catholic Eucharist Revival with our annual First Communion celebration on the Solemnity of the Body & Blood of Christ.  49 boys and girls received the Eucharist.  And we continue to lift up those boys and girls as they continue to come forward for their Second, Third, etc. Communions!

As the parish year opens, we have started including weekly reflections on the Eucharist from Pope Francis in the bulletin.  We are already focusing more on the Eucharist in our Family Faith Formation project, and will continue to offer pertinent sessions from Family Faith Formation to the wider parish at various times.  At some point this summer, for example, we’ll offer a session on “Ecology and the Eucharist.”

Our parish contemplative focus allows parishioners to cultivate a deep inner silence to enrich all external prayer and sacramental encounters.  All are encouraged to stop by Tuesday through Friday at 6pm for our nightly 25-minute contemplative practice, which could include Eucharistic Adoration if you’d like.

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