Spiritual Reading Recommendations for Lent 2023

Recommended Spiritual Reading Lent 2023


Biography, Autobiography, Memoir

Martin, James, S.J. My Life with the Saints

Merton, Thomas. The Seven Storey Mountain.

Nouwen, Henri. Genesee Diary.



Barry, William, S.J. A Friend Like No Other.

–Paying Attention to God: Discernment in Prayer.

–(And many other works!)

Green, Thomas, S.J. Opening to God.

–When the Well Runs Dry.

–Darkness in the Marketplace: The Christian at Prayer in the World.

Keating, Thomas. Open Mind, Open Heart.

Meninger, William A., O.C.S.O. The Loving Search for God.

Steindl-Rast, David, OSB. Gratefulness, the Heart of Prayer.



Teresa of Avila. The Life of Teresa of Jesus (autobiography)


Therese of Lisieux

Therese of Lisieux. The Story of a Soul. (autobiography)

Keating, Thomas. St. Therese of Lisieux: A Transformation in Christ.

King, Heather. Shirt of Flame: A Year with St. Therese of Lisieux.


Spiritual Life

Francis de Sales. Introduction to the Devout Life.

Enzler, Clarence. My Other Self: Conversations with Christ on Living Your Faith.

Theophane the Monk. Tales of a Magic Monastery.

Funk, Mary Margaret, OSB. Humility Matters: Toward Purity of Heart.

–One of a series:

–Thoughts Matter: Discovering the Spiritual Journey

–Tools Matter: Beginning the Spiritual Journey.

–Lectio Matters: Before the Burning Bush.

–Discernment Matters: Listening with the Ears of the Heart.


Kelly, Matthew. The Generosity Habit.

Kurst, Ernest and Ketchum, Katherine. The Spirituality of Imperfection.

Matthew, Iain. The Impact of God: Soundings from St. John of the Cross.

Nouwen, Henri J.M. Spiritual Direction: Wisdom for the Long Walk of Faith.

(Henri Nouwen is a spiritual master and author of many insightful books.)

O’Brien, Kevin, S.J. The Ignatian Adventure: Experiencing the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius in Daily Life.

Pope Francis. Happiness in This Life: A Passionate Meditation on Earthly Existence.

Rohr, Richard, OFM. Silent Compassion: Finding God in Contemplation.

–The Divine Dancer: The Trinity and Your Transformation.

–(And many other works!)

Rolheiser, Ron. The Holy Longing: The Search for a Christian Spirituality.

–Sacred Fire: A Vision for a Deeper Human and Christian Maturity


Life of Christ

Catalamessa, Raniero. The Gaze of Mercy: A Commentary on Divine and Human Mercy

-–Remember Jesus Christ: Responding to the Challenge of Faith in Our Time.

Martin, James, S.J. Jesus: A Pilgrimage.

Ratzinger, Joseph (Pope Benedict XVI). Jesus of Nazareth.

Sheed, Frank. To Know Jesus Christ.


The Holy Spirit

Cantalamessa, Raniero. Come, Creator Spirit: Meditations on the Veni Creator.


The Church

The Truth of Catholicism: Ten Controversies Explored


Spirituality in Aging

Rohr, Richard, OFM. Falling Upward: A Spirituality for the Two Halves of Life.

Singh, Kathleen Dowling. Grace in Aging: Awaken As You Grow Older.


Spiritualities of World Religions

Konatrul, Dzigar. Training in Tenderness: Buddhist Teachings on Tsewa, the Radical Openness of Heart That Can Change the World.

Nhat Hanh, Thich. Peace Is Every Step.

Priyadarshi, Tenzin. Running Toward Mystery.

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